Day 212: Countdown Pt. 2
Monday is the last day of my class and I am missing it to spend time with friends in from New York. They are so inspiring to me. Both of them work in the hair business. Lyndon is a hair stylist while Pieter is a barber. They work out of their house. They are able to be a team in both their personal and work lives. My parents have the same relationship so it is comforting because the little arguments that they get into feel familiar and oddly comforting.
I plan to show them as much as I can while they are here but I forget how exhausting the travel times are and how long it takes to get anywhere. How do you show chosen family all of where you live but not leave them exhausted and overwhelmed? I wanted to plan a rest day on their final day here in Mumbai so I will see if that is good for them. Meanwhile, I have to get our house ready.
Doug and I are also planning to leave Mumbai the second week of October. I take my exam on the 9th of October and then we are on a plane with two of our dogs back to Missouri. Doug is staying in south Missouri with his mom and I will be teaching yoga in Saint Joseph and Kansas City. I am testing the market to see what the people living there are interested in with regards to yoga. Will it be sustainable to stay living in that area to have the life that I want? I am absolutely not sure.
The midwest of the United States doesn’t value the things that have great value and place value on things that have no value. I completely understand that this is a mindset that I am bringing with me but I have to be realistic. I am already getting ready for a mural project that I will be doing for ‘exposure.’ However, the mural project will prove a great point that I have been wanting to make for a long time. The meeting to finalize this will be during my visit.
As I am counting down the days before I head home, I have so many choices to make and many more options to choose from. It feels amazing to have the entire world open as an opportunity but, honestly, I have been putting in my dues for a long time and am ready to live the life I design without any compromise. I am done compromising and living for the benefit of other before myself. Those days are over. I am now a changed human being with purpose and unafraid to use it.