Day 59: Graditude

​For the past several weeks, I have been focusing on gratitude on a level that I’m grateful for my heartbeat.  Many people think that it is silly or corny to come to such a basic level of understanding of what gratitude is.  However, you can be grateful for so much more when you go beyond yourself.  Many  yogis and yoga practice that at the basis of everything is gratitude. 


What is gratitude?  ​Google describes gratitude as ‘the feeling or quality of being grateful.’  Some definitions even specify that it’s being appreciative of someone doing something for you.  What if you looked at people’s existence in this way.  Being thankful that the person is alive.  Celebrating the very fact that this person is breathing and sharing this life with you.  This is how I look at Doug and I’s relationship.  I am grateful to the point that there is nothing Doug could do to ever break my love for him.

What would happen to your daily overall mood if you woke up in the morning and were grateful to the sun just for rising.  Surya Namaskar is exactly that.  Practicing these asanas with full gratitude to the sun.  There is a sequence for the moon as well.  What would this world look like if everyone woke up in that way?  ​

Being grateful for everything is bound to change your life.  Not only the things that bring you joy but also the things that bring you pain.  ​If you can find a lesson or something to find gratitude when you feel upset or tragic has happened , you are living a life inspired and free.  Enjoy those moments that bring joy but bring the same set of emotions with you when you are feeling depressed, angry or anxious.