
My schedule has changed by not being in class Monday through Friday from 2pm-6pm. I now use that time to study and get ready for my upcoming trip to the United States. I am so excited to see my parents and my coworkers. I am even more excited to be able to teach the students coming to my classes. I have a meeting about an upcoming mural project that I am working on. I have a speaking engagement for our business community and several other meetings regarding the market in Saint Joseph.

With all of this, my excitement is starting to build but I can’t help but feel anxious about everything that I need to accomplish over the next few days. Taking the dogs to their veterinarian appointments and to the quarantine office today to make sure that there are no health issues. All is clear for the big dogs with the vet. However, today is our quarantine office appointment. We were told to allow 3-4 hours for this appointment. Also, the person who normally does this is not going to be there so it will hopefully be someone that knows what they are doing.

India has a whole list of things that don’t make sense and systems that are completely broken with no solutions in sight or on the horizon. You pay money and things happen. You pay extra money and things happen faster. Its all corruption but I’m grateful that I can get my big dogs home and start this process of moving back to the United States. I don’t feel ready to move back at all.

There is so much of the world I haven’t seen yet. There is so much of the world I haven’t seen yet. Being on the other side of the world has opened my eyes to so many things. I am so small in the larger picture of this existence. A spec really when you look at my life in the scale of the cosmos. I have much more journey in me before I am done seeing the world and learning about its amazing people.

Today is a stepping stone closer to this reality that I’m not ready to face yet. I keep repeating to myself that I can do whatever I want to do. I can live where ever I want to live in this world. I can continue with my purpose anywhere in the world I decide to be in. Now, I just need to decide where that special place is. I am burning with ideas and suggestions so much that I have created a sort of anxiety and butterfly feelings in my stomach. Scared and excited can feel the same. I would definitely say that I’m more excited but would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared.