Day 208: Ready

I have been preparing for this certification for what feels like all of my life. Everything that I have been through, all the hurt feelings, all the coaching training, all the trails and tribulations that I have been met with have lead me to this moment. My classmates are studying for and worrying about an exam and I am already preparing the next thing. I feel like I am ready to start this new chapter of my life.

There are many things to be grateful for. In the lat three years, I have completely rebuilt my credit. I can now apply for a credit card and get a credit line. That feels amazing considering I have not been able to do that for over 10 years because of my survival mode in San Francisco, CA. I swiped for everything and spent the last 7 years paying it all off and waiting for the moment that all of the bad credit starts disappearing. That is a major accomplishment for me as I have never been properly shown how to manage money or credit.

I have been offered a position at an Indian University to be a course writer for their Yoga Certification Program. This is something that will keep me coming back to India with purpose. I am awaiting finishing my certification course before I disclose more details on this. The course would be my name and the university name on a certificate. I’m still so shocked at the amount of opportunity that is flowing in.

I am going to be teaching while I am at home in Saint Joseph. I will also be doing market research to see if St. Joseph has a market that could sustain a yoga studio/teaching center. If it doesn’t I am going to be checking out opportunities with a friend that has recently opened a yoga studio in North Kansas City. I have never been in a position where I feel like I am in control of my future and it looks so bright. I get to choose my path and career when I move back to St. Joseph and I couldn’t be more excited.

With all of these opportunities coming in, I have been keeping on the ground by meditation and a strict routine of pranayama and asana practice. My kriya practices are very important to all of this as well. I can’t believe that after almost 3 years this chapter of my life is coming to an end. At first, I was scared and dreading heading back home but now I am excited about what I get to build with my passions and interests. Namaste.
